Category: campaign against Frontex


Taking the EU to Court The First Legal Action v. Frontex : Press Release (Adobe Acrobat Document 234.6 KB) Full Document (Adobe Acrobat Document 841.8 KB) Taking the EU to Court EU migration policy aims to stem migration flows…

Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT)- a civil society Tribunal

(Brussels 2021/2022) The Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT) is an ambitious new project: An initiative taken by refugee organisations and outraged individuals. Since the numerous protests against the homicidal European deterrence policy towards refugees – rightly called Europe’s disgrace by…

From Sudan to the Netherlands, an 11 year journey

During the Corona lockdown, we interviewed Ibrahim, a Sudanese asylum seeker who lives in Amsterdam. In this article, he shares the story of his journey from Sudan to the Netherlands. 31/10/2020 / Amsterdam Alternative #033 / Text: Ibrahim*, (Vincent…

Free the El Hiblu 3 – dismiss the trial immediately! Resisting illegal push-backs to Libya is not a crime.

[Fr] en dessous FREE El Hiblu 3! – the site The Rescue – A flimsy raft, more than 100 souls, and three teenage heroes—or are they pirates? (Zach Campbell / The Atavist Magazine 2019) Appeal to stop the criminalisation of…

« LA PAROLE AUX MIGRANTS » conference Rabat

flyer:Conférence Rabat 2018 texte & programme: Texte Conférence & Programme             CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DES MIGRANTS AU MAROC, 1-2 dec. 2018 in Rabat/Morocco Terwijl de Europese Unie Noord- en subsahara-Afrikaanse landen steeds meer onder druk zet…

Duizenden reddingsvesten in de hofvijver uit protest tegen het dodelijke EU migratiebeleid

twee jaar na de totstandkoming van de EU-Turkije deal Duizenden Reddingsvesten in de Hofvijver in Den Haag from Alarmphone on Vimeo. Watch The Med Alarmtelefoon Nederland verplaatst buitengrenzen van de EU naar de Hofvijver in Den Haag. Enkele tientallen mensen…

Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid op zee – Drie jaar Alarm telefoon

Ervaringen analyses en interviews vastgelegd in brochure In solidarity with migrants at sea! The Alarm Phone 3 years on Oktober 18, 2017             Geen “Frontex maar Veerboten wagen” op de We’ ll come United Demonstratie in Berlijn op 16 september…

Welcome United – Fighting for equal social rights

Welcome United – Fighting for equal social rights Call for transnational action days in September 2017 We won’t get used to what is happening right before our eyes and what is declared as normal: death at sea, push backs and…

Rapport de la manifestation du Jeudi 9 Juin 2016 à Sokodé (Togo)

RESEAU AFRIQUE-EUROPE INTERACT SECTION TOGO (AEI-TOGO) Le jeudi 9 Juin 2016, l’Association Togolaise des Expulsés a organisé une manifestation à Sokodé (Togo). L’objectif de la manifestation était de dénoncer la politique migratoire de l’union européenne en Afrique et surtout le…

Joint NGO statement condemning new EU policies to contain migration

At the upcoming European Council, European Union (EU) leaders will discuss the European Commission’s Communication on a new Partnership Framework with third countries. The Communication proposes an approach which aims to leverage existing EU and Member States’ external cooperation instruments…

No Border Camp July 15-24th 2016 Thessaloniki (Greece)

Defencing Festival and Actions on Croatian Slovenian border: june 24-26th 2016 No Border Camp Thessaloniki July 15-24th 2016 Programme / newspaper (pdf) Help to raise 10.000€ for NoBorder-Camp and self-organized support for refugees in Thessaloniki For the circulation of transnational…

flyer Open Escape Routes! Stop Deportations!

In the past two weeks alone, more than thousand people died in the Mediterranean Sea. None of them would have needed to die, if there were safe and affordable ways for refugees and migrants to reach Europe by ferry. This…