Joint Statement calling for the dismissal of UNHCR’s special envoy Vincent Cochetel On Tuesday, 6 September 2022, while families of the disappeared and deceased at EU borders came together for a protest action in Zarzis, Tunisia, Vincent Cochetel, the UNHCR’s…
Category: actie
Taking the EU to Court The First Legal Action v. Frontex : Press Release (Adobe Acrobat Document 234.6 KB) Full Document (Adobe Acrobat Document 841.8 KB) Taking the EU to Court EU migration policy aims to stem migration flows…
Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT)- a civil society Tribunal
(Brussels 2021/2022) The Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT) is an ambitious new project: An initiative taken by refugee organisations and outraged individuals. Since the numerous protests against the homicidal European deterrence policy towards refugees – rightly called Europe’s disgrace by…
24-hour protests all over Europe against the new European Migration Pact
sunday 15 nov. – monday 16 nov.Museumplein in Amsterdam & Neude square in Utrecht center The locations will be transformed into a (refugee) camp for 24 hours from Sunday the 15th of November 13.00 until Monday the 16th of November…
Free the El Hiblu 3 – dismiss the trial immediately! Resisting illegal push-backs to Libya is not a crime.
[Fr] en dessous FREE El Hiblu 3! – the site The Rescue – A flimsy raft, more than 100 souls, and three teenage heroes—or are they pirates? (Zach Campbell / The Atavist Magazine 2019) Appeal to stop the criminalisation of…
“privatized push-backs” – Legal Case against Italy with the UN Human Rights Committee
GLAN has filed complaint against Italy with the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of an individual whose journey from Libya was intercepted in the high seas by the Panamanian merchant vessel, the Nivin. The complaint is the first submitted…
« LA PAROLE AUX MIGRANTS » conference Rabat
flyer:Conférence Rabat 2018 texte & programme: Texte Conférence & Programme CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DES MIGRANTS AU MAROC, 1-2 dec. 2018 in Rabat/Morocco Terwijl de Europese Unie Noord- en subsahara-Afrikaanse landen steeds meer onder druk zet…
Duizenden reddingsvesten in de hofvijver uit protest tegen het dodelijke EU migratiebeleid
twee jaar na de totstandkoming van de EU-Turkije deal Duizenden Reddingsvesten in de Hofvijver in Den Haag from Alarmphone on Vimeo. Watch The Med Alarmtelefoon Nederland verplaatst buitengrenzen van de EU naar de Hofvijver in Den Haag. Enkele tientallen mensen…
Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid op zee – Drie jaar Alarm telefoon
Ervaringen analyses en interviews vastgelegd in brochure In solidarity with migrants at sea! The Alarm Phone 3 years on Oktober 18, 2017 Geen “Frontex maar Veerboten wagen” op de We’ ll come United Demonstratie in Berlijn op 16 september…
The Valletta Process: Round 2 febr. 2017/ West African Observatory on Migrations The island of Malta’s geographical location makes it an ideal link between the European and African coasts. In recent years, its location has encouraged thousands of migrants to brave the 340 km of…
Welcome United – Fighting for equal social rights
Welcome United – Fighting for equal social rights Call for transnational action days in September 2017 We won’t get used to what is happening right before our eyes and what is declared as normal: death at sea, push backs and…
Evacuation du camp de réfugiés de Choucha – 2017
19 Juin 2017 Une opération d’évacuation du camp de réfugiés de Choucha à Ben Guerdane a commencé dans la matinée du lundi 19 juin 2017. L’opération a été lancée avec la présence d’un grand nombre d’agents de sécurité et de…
European Civil Rescue Organisations Stand Up Against Smuggling Allegations
SAR is not criminal
Superfortress Europe
[FR] [NL] plus bas / hieronder [ENG] On the significance ot the Valletta-treaty for Niger – Money, knowledge and technology in exchange for shifting Europe’s borders: excellent documentary Superfortress Europe (46 min; 19/02/17) VPRO Backlight is participating in the research project…
The European travel document. Yet another step to deport by all means
[eng. below] Le Laissez-passer européen, un pas supplémentaire vers l’expulsion à tout prix Alors que des hauts fonctionnaires africains et européens se réunissent à Malte les 8/9 février 2017 à mi-parcours du processus de la Valette, l’Union européenne fait…