Joint Statement calling for the dismissal of UNHCR’s special envoy Vincent Cochetel On Tuesday, 6 September 2022, while families of the disappeared and deceased at EU borders came together for a protest action in Zarzis, Tunisia, Vincent Cochetel, the UNHCR’s…
Author: admin
Taking the EU to Court The First Legal Action v. Frontex : Press Release (Adobe Acrobat Document 234.6 KB) Full Document (Adobe Acrobat Document 841.8 KB) Taking the EU to Court EU migration policy aims to stem migration flows…
Accaparement des terres au Mali : prêt fatal – le BMZ perd du terrain
voir aussi: Bulletin d’info n° 26 (octobre 2020) En septembre 2014, l’entrepreneur malien Modibo Keita a reçu un prêt de 16,8 millions d’euros de la part de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) pour construire une usine alimentaire à Ségou.…
Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT)- a civil society Tribunal
(Brussels 2021/2022) The Asylum and Migration Tribunal (AMT) is an ambitious new project: An initiative taken by refugee organisations and outraged individuals. Since the numerous protests against the homicidal European deterrence policy towards refugees – rightly called Europe’s disgrace by…
24-hour protests all over Europe against the new European Migration Pact
sunday 15 nov. – monday 16 nov.Museumplein in Amsterdam & Neude square in Utrecht center The locations will be transformed into a (refugee) camp for 24 hours from Sunday the 15th of November 13.00 until Monday the 16th of November…
From Sudan to the Netherlands, an 11 year journey
During the Corona lockdown, we interviewed Ibrahim, a Sudanese asylum seeker who lives in Amsterdam. In this article, he shares the story of his journey from Sudan to the Netherlands. 31/10/2020 / Amsterdam Alternative #033 / Text: Ibrahim*, (Vincent…
Free the El Hiblu 3 – dismiss the trial immediately! Resisting illegal push-backs to Libya is not a crime.
[Fr] en dessous FREE El Hiblu 3! – the site The Rescue – A flimsy raft, more than 100 souls, and three teenage heroes—or are they pirates? (Zach Campbell / The Atavist Magazine 2019) Appeal to stop the criminalisation of…
“privatized push-backs” – Legal Case against Italy with the UN Human Rights Committee
GLAN has filed complaint against Italy with the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of an individual whose journey from Libya was intercepted in the high seas by the Panamanian merchant vessel, the Nivin. The complaint is the first submitted…
benefiet All Included
benefiet African dinner donderdag 12 december 2019 19u in Joe’s Garage (4 euro) Pretoriusstraat 43, 1092 EZ Amsterdam What’s Included? All included is een initiatief dat strijdt voor vrijheid van mobiliteit en recht op verblijf voor migranten. In een tijd…
Solidariteitsactie met Sea-Watch 3 tegen mogelijke vervolging Sea-Watch kapitein Carola Rackete en voor iedereen op de vlucht naar een beter leven*
De Vrienden van Sea-Watch organiseren donderdag 4 juli 2019 een solidariteitsactie met de kapitein van de Sea-Watch 3 en eenieder die vlucht op zoek naar een beter leven. Waar: Spui, Amsterdam Datum/Tijdstip: donderdag 4 juli 2019, 17.00 – 19.00 uur…
benefiet Association Togolaise des Expulsés
maandag 26 augustus 19u Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43 Amsterdam Sur la situation d’expulsé-e-s, de refoulé-e-s et de “candidat-e-s à la migration” selon l’exemple de Sokodé/Togo L’Association Togolaise des Expulsés (ATE) était fondé en 2008 à Sokodé, la deuxième plus…
The Atlas of Migration
Facts and figures about people on the move ROSA LUXEMBURG STIFTUNG Migration: a contested human right Migration is not a social outlier. Every modern society and every state in the world is also a result of human mobility. The…
Mediterranian migratory routes and other paths of travel (IOM)
say no to the war on migrants
Sur le non-accueil en Europe – parcours 1 Non à la guerre aux migrant·e·s from Migreurop on Vimeo Sur le non-accueil en Europe – parcours 2 Campagne réalisée par l’agence Bonjour, avec le soutien de Thanks for Nothing Non à…
Transnational summer camp 9th – 14th July in ZAD near Nantes & NoBorder Camp 1-4 August 2019 near Rotterdam
[NoBorder Camp 1-4 August NL underneath] Over the last years, the flight routes to Europe have shiften from the Balkans to the Central Med, to Spain. Each shift creates structures of solidarity in new places and lets our network grow,…